International Hypnosis Institute®

Throw Out The Myths, Get The Facts:   Knowledge Is Power!

Now Available: Hypnosis TeleSessions

Dennis K. Thomas, CHP, CHI, IWI Founder

What To Expect At Your Appointment


Normally the intake paperwork will have been e-mailed to you in advance of our hypnosis session. We will discuss the contents of this at the beginning of the session. The purpose of this interview is to gather general lifestyle information as well as information about the nature of the issue you would like to address - when is it at it's worst?   When is it better?   How does it effect you?   How would you like it to be?   We will also discuss your motivation for change, as it is very important to understand, that for hypnosis to be truly effective and result in long lasting change, you must truly want the changes we are working on. We will also conduct some suggestibility tests during this part of the session.

If you are consulting a hypnotist for the first time, you are probably not sure about what to expect. The experience of a hypnosis session is often much different than people expect. Your body may feel very relaxed while your mind is fully aware, leading you to question whether you are actually experiencing hypnosis. You remain fully alert, present and in control during hypnosis. You do not surrender your will or control to the hypnotist at any time. That is very important to understand, as hypnosis is often incorrectly believed to be mind control.

Hypnosis is an interactive and cooperative experience. In this first session I will determine which type of induction and suggestions would be most beneficial to you. We will establish trust, build rapport and build your sense of belief and positive expectation while correcting any misconceptions that you may have. In each subsequent hypnosis session we will begin with an interview to determine your progress since the previous session as well as reviewing your current goals.


Together we will work on setting goals that are positve, realistic and most importantly - believable. These will be phrased in a positive manner that does not focus on the apparent negative aspect of the issue in question. An example could be: "I don't want to feel nervous while performing on stage" would become "I am fully calm and confident while performing on stage".


This is where the the hypnotic state is induced. There are a variety of different inductions that can be used, depending on the client and their specific needs. Inductions can range from near instantaneous all the way up to 10 - 20 minutes during a session.


Once hypnosis has been induced in the client, I would then progress with speaking direct suggestions to the client. This would be customized for the client with their specific goals in mind. This method (direction suggestion) required very little (if any) verbal interaction from the client, although the client remains fully aware throughout and is fully able to move and speak freely, should they wish. The client will also be encouraged to visualize their goals and to imagine the experience of them during this portion of the session. A technique called Anchoring can be used here in order to equip the client with a means to re-connect to those feelings after the session, especially when exposed to situations that disempower them around their stated goal.


This is where the hypnosis part of the session ends. This will be directed by the hypnotist. It is worth noting that hypnosis would end naturally should the hypnotist stop talking, as the hypnosis only endures provided that the client has a point of focus - such as the voice of the hypnotist. Without that the client would naturally open their eyes and emerge.


Here we will discuss your experience. I will take notes for future reference to ensure that your experience is further customized for future sessions to ensure the greatest level of effectiveness.

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Here Are Some Of The Issues That Can Be Helped By The Services Of The International Hypnosis Institute (Subsidiary of International Wellness Institute)...   It's Exciting To Witness Some Of The "Amazing Transformations" That Have Occurred!

Of course, two of the major issues that can be helped are: Anxiety Disorder which may cause loss of appetite and lack of interest in sex. Other symptoms include muscle tension, headaches and insomnia.... The Constant State of Stress which can lead to clinical depression. You are also at increased risk of diabetes, high blood pressure and heart disease.

  Some Of The Other Issues That Can Successfully Be Helped Are As Follows:  

*Abandonment *Addictions *Age Regression *Aggression *Agoraphobia *Anesthesia *Anger *Anxiety *Assertiveness *Assist Healing *Attitude Adjustment *Bed Wetting *Biofeedback *Breakup *Breathing *Career Success *Change Habits *Child Birth *Chronic Pain *Communication *Concentration *Confidence *Controlling *Cramps *Cravings *Creativity *Death or Loss *Discouraged *Divorce *Dreams *Empty Nest *Exam Anxiety *Exercise *Fear of Animals *Fear of Death *Fear of Dentist *Fear of Doctor *Fear of Failure *Fear of Flying *Fear of Heights *Fear of Loss of Control *Fear of School *Fear of Success *Fear of Surgery *Fear of Water *Fears *Forgiveness *Frustration *Gagging *Gambling *Guilt *Grief *Hair Twisting *Headaches *Helplessness *Hopelessness *Hypochondria *Hostility *Hypertension *Immune System *Impotency *Improve Health *Improve Sales *Indecision *Inferiority *Inhibition *Insecurity *Insomnia *Irrational *Irrational Thoughts *Irritability *Jealousy *Lack of Ambition *Lack of Direction *Lack of Enthusiasm *Lack of Initiative *Lack of Joy *Lack of Purpose *Lower Blood Pressure *Medication Side Effects *Memory *Menopause *Mental Blocks *Mistrust *Moodiness *Motivation *Nail Biting *Nausea *Negativism *Nightmares *Obsessions *Obsessive-Compulsive *Overeating *Overly Critical *Pain Management *Panic Attacks *Passive-Aggressive *Past Life Regression *Perfectionism *Performance Anxiety *Pessimism *Phobias *Postsurgical *Premature Ejaculation *Pre Surgical *Problem Solving *Procrastination *Prosperity *Public Speaking *Reach Goals *Rejection *Relationship Enhancement *Relaxation *Resentment *Resistance *Resistance to Change *Responsibility *Restlessness *Sadness *Self-Awareness *Self-Blame *Self-Confidence *Self-Control *Self-Criticism *Self-Defeating Behaviors *Self-Esteem *Self-Expression *Self-Forgiveness *Self-Hypnosis *Self-Image *Self-Mastery *Sexual Problems *Shame *Skin Problems *Sleep Disorders *Smoking *Social Phobia *Sports *Stage Fright *Stress *Study Habits *Stuttering *Stubborn *Substance Abuse *Superiority *Surgical Recovery *Tardiness *Tension *Temptation *Test Taking *Thumb Sucking *Tics *Trauma *Ulcers *Victimization *Weight Loss *Workaholic *Worry *Writers Block & So Many More...

This information should not be treated as a substitute for advice given by your General Practitioner, Medical Doctor, Psychiatric Professional or any other Healthcare Professional. We encourage you to check with your Physician before attempting any new therapies. Success from any kind of: coaching, self-taught techniques, positive mental attitude and wellness tools or hypnosis cannot be guaranteed. Individual results will vary greatly and in accordance to your commitment, effort, determination, hard work, and ability to follow directions.

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A Subsidiary of the International Wellness Institute, LLC